Principal's Desk
It is an honour and a privilege to be the Principal of Nava Bharat Public School, the school that stands for excellence and sets the highest standards, the school that is an alma mater which all alumni look back to with fond memories. The present day students need a missionary zeal to reach new heights in scholastic achievements. The boundless energy they posses ought to be channelized for academic excellence as well as overall personality development to prepare them adequately to face increasing competition in all walks of life.

Nava Bharat Public School is a pioneer in education in the northeastern region of Telangana. Nava Bharat’s endeavor of integrating quality with quantity in the pursuit of excellence is reflected in the achievements of its alumni and the results it produced in its 42 years of marathon journey.
Having established in 1978 the school has grown in strength and majesty over the years and has 1900 students on rolls today. It occupies a sprawling 10-acre campus studded with majestic trees and spacious play grounds. School provides a conducive academic ambience to the students under the able guidance of a set of highly qualified and dedicated faculty. Nava Bharat Public School students, down the years, have been high profile achievers in different walks of life. Many have risen high in the national arena as well as across the globe. The School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E), New Delhi.