Principal, NBPS
It is an honour and a privilege to be the Principal of Nava Bharat Public School, the school that stands for excellence and sets the highest standards, the school that is an alma mater which all alumni look back to with fond memories.
The present day students need a missionary zeal to reach new heights in scholastic achievements. The boundless energy they posses ought to be channelized for academic excellence as well as overall personality development to prepare them adequately to face increasing competition in all walks of life.
It is a well known fact that to change is difficult, yet at the same time we need to make drastic changes to keep pace with the needs of tomorrow. Ideally every school should be a place where children experience the joy of learning and teachers enjoy the freedom to help them learn.
In today’s dynamic world marked by ever-changing technology and diminishing span of continuous attention by the students in the class rooms, it is vital to make the learning process innovative. I am sure every student can be transformed, with the right inputs at school, into a citizen with a scientific temper in dealing with his adult life-just as a caterpillar metamorphoses into a beautiful butterfly.
The curriculum planning in Nava Bharat dwells upon the aspect of enhancing, improving and cultivating the child’s creativity in a big way. On the whole it provides a very suitable platform from where children can put their feet firmly into this world filled with cut throat competition of the most intense kind.
Nava Bharat’s philosophy underlines that the quality of education imparted to the children of today will determine the quality of life in India tomorrow. Nava Bharat is an institution where morals and ethics are rooted deep into the hearts of students where one and all have learnt not to exist together but to live together. The school has much to look back upon with pride and much to look forward to with hope. It is indeed gratifying to note that among the students the zeal to excel has multiplied enormously, judging by the plethora of prizes they received.
Four decades have passed by since lighting of the first candle of wisdom at Nava Bharat School. Our much admired global focus helps students tackle broader challenges beyond the text books. We adopt the modern methods of instruction and lay equal emphasis on the overall development of children. Nava Bharat is evolving a learning environment which will empower the future citizens to become global leaders in the emerging knowledge society.
Education is incomplete without the proper organization of emotional intelligence of a child. Various activities are conducted at NBPS to make a child emotionally balanced. They are encouraged to help the poor, needy and the down trodden. This transforms them to be emotionally balanced individuals who can empathize, persevere, take thoughtful decisions and solve problems effectively and lead a successful life.
Much water has flown under the bridge. In the marathon journey from 1978, hundreds of worthy students passed out from the portals of Nava Bharat. Alumni of this school continue to make huge impact in all sectors of society both in India and abroad.
The school has earned distinct reputation for academic excellence coupled with good performance in co-curricular and extra curricular activities. It has always striven to inculcate ethical and moral values in the students which would make them well behaved and responsible citizens. I am sure they will continue to keep up the tempo in the years to come.
Over the years in this school, I have witnessed in our students an unparalleled knowledge base, a vibrant dynamism, consciousness about the world, commitment and a focused ambition. I am also fortunate to have an experienced and committed team which has shaped Nava Bharat an abode of learning. I along with my team of dedicated faculty intend to build on this strong foundation and raise the standards to the zenith.