Page 91 - NAVAYUG (23-24)_Magazine
P. 91

Never stop learning                             Small things, big happiness

                Never stop learning... in the journey of        It’s the little things that matter.
                quest for knowledge, our paths are always       A tiny flower on the pavement
                dark until we seek to learn about it.           A butterfly in front of the window
                Never stop learning... because every living     A cup of coffee after a long tiring day
                thing in nature, around us teaches their        A smile of a baby
                struggle for survival, their adaptations for    An extra chocolate from a friend on her
                existence. We too should learn to adapt and     birthday.
                become strong during trivial conditions.        There are many of them. Moments of life that
                Never stop learning... even a new born child    make us smile.
                teaches us how to seek attention, how to        It sounds very easy yet it is very powerful.
                learn, how to grow.                             A simple shift of the mindset can create the
                Near stop learning...because every book         prettiest smiles on our faces. We just have to
                you read whispers a word which a deep in        stop looking for all the bad in life and focus on
                meaning, a lesson it teaches and truth it       small things. Small moments that brings a big
                infers.                                         smile on your face from one ear to another.
                Never stop learning... learning is the endless   Your worries become less. And your day seems
                dance of mind and heart. Every experience       all of sudden more relaxed.
                we have, every lesson we learn opens            Enjoy the little things, for one day you may
                key and unlocks doors of wisdom and             look back and realize they were big things.
                knowledge.                                      Because of simple smile about a small things in
                Never stop learning... learning helps fulfill   life. That is how you create happiness in your
                our dreams, to grow and to fly. Learning        own life. Notice the small things that give you
                is an endless treasure of mind that refines     happiness even if it is a minute, short and if
                us and leads us through a better way and        you can collect these moments you will never
                makes us a better person in the society.        feel alone.
                Learning goes on form womb to tomb.
                                                                I hope we all will find that the happiness comes
                                   Mrs. R. Lakshmi Sowjanya     from noticing and enjoying the little things in
                                                                                             Mrs. T Shyamala

                   Ban on single use plastic

                   Single use plastic is one of the most prevalent causes of pollution including environmental
                   as well as water pollution. It has devasting impact on oceans, sea animals and hydrophytes.
                   Therefore ban on single use plastic is very important. Governments in many countries
                   including India has started campaign to stop using single use plastic and use environment
                   friendly carry bags.
                   We produce millions of tones of single use plastic every year, most of which cannot be
                   recycled. Single use plastic includes plastics bags, polythene, straws, plastic glass, soda and
                   water bottles and food packaging items etc. These single use plastics are used only once and
                   then thrown away as a garbage for recycle. They are also non bio degradable and usually
                   goes into a landfill where it is buried or it gets into the water after some time by various
                   means, it goes into the ocean.
                   Single use plastics are very harmful for human beings, animals, marine creatures and

                   We need to understand the various problems caused by the single use plastic. It is therefore
                   obvious That we should stop using single use plastic items.
                   Indian government has laid a multi ministrial plan to discourage the use of single use
                   plastics across the country to free India of single use plastics. The nation wide plastic ban
                   has already begun from 2019 to eliminate single use plastic. In view of the above, it is our
                   responsibility towards our nature and planet to stop using single use plastic
                                                                                          Mrs. V. Naveena

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