Page 38 - NAVAYUG 2020-21
P. 38

HARD WORK                                                NATURE
          “ Hard Work always pays off, whatever you do “      Nature is what we see and feel around us.
          As said by Dustin lynch hardwork always pays        Nature is like our mother who never scolds us
          off.  If you believe that by hardwork you can make  unless we do anything wrong.
          your dreams real, working hard and being            I am happy to interact
          determined are the ways to get success in your      with nature and also
          life.  Today, you  are in a lot of stress because of  happy to be a part of
          the competition in the society and get              this earth.
          demotivated.  We must be positive at that time      The nature is very at-
          and must try more hard.                             tractive and full of my
          To improve yourself work hard for your success      favourite green colour.
          that you wanted to achieve Determination and        It provides us the air to breathe, the water to
          Hard work are the solution for all your problems.   drink, the soil to make a home, and the land to
          For example, Thomas Edison.  He was fired from      stay.
          his two jobs by saying ‘non-productive’.  But he    Nature gives us fruits, vegetables and grains to
          didn’t get demotivated.  He discovered the light    eat.
          bulp after 1000 failures, he worked hard to get     So, let’s join our hands to protect our mother
          the success which requries a lot of patience and    nature and always remmber “Nature is our Best
          determination.  So even if you  are determined
          you must keep your efforts to get the result you    Teacher”
          are waiting.  Remember without hardwork you         SAVE NATURE , SAVE YOURSELF
          cannot be successful in your life.  So, believe in                                 V.Sreevalli. IX-B
          yourself and even it’s going to be a bumpy road
          ahead.  Believe that you can do it.                                  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦
          "Hardwork is the solution for all problems"
                                          J.Rupesh,VIII-C                         VALUE

                                                              What gives a life value
                          ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦                       A measure when it’s spent
                                                              A balance at the end of days
                       I DREAM A WORLD
                                                              When heaven world you’re sent
          I dream a world where
          No  man will scron,                                 No measure made in currency
          Where love will bless the earth                     But actions, thoughts and deeds.
          And peace its paths adorn                           Times that you were selfless
          I dream a world where all                           And times when ou would lead.
          Will know sweet freedom’s way,
          Where greed no longer saps the soul                 What is true value
          Nor avarice blights our day.                        When you trade your life for another
          A world I dream where black or white,               Treat each man around you.
          Whatever race you be,                               As if they were your brothers.
          Will share the bounties of the earth
          And every man is free,
                                                              I think it is known
          Where wretchedness will hang its head               You’re helped in some small ways.
          And joy, like a pearl,
                                                              And knowing you’ll be remembered
          Attends the needs of all mankind
                                                              Long beyond your days.
          of such a  world I dream.

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