Page 83 - Navyug2019-20
P. 83
K. Krishna Snehitha, IX-A Naziya, IX-A
1.What is the word starting with ‘E’ and ends Graham Alexander Bell : I used to study under a
with ‘E’ and has only one letter ? candle
A.Envelope William Shakespeare : I used to study under
2.It is made longer and grows shorter. What is it?
A.Candle Mr. Bean : What did you guys do in the daytime ?
3.What are the two days starting with ‘T’ except
Tuesday and Thursday ? Interviewer : Introduce yourself
A.Today, Tomorrow Boy : My father’s name is laughing
4.What has lots of keys but can’t open any door? Boy : My mother’s name is Smiling
A.Piano Interviewer : Are you kidding ?
5.If you have one, you don’t share it, if you Boy : No! he is my cousin & I’m Joking
share it, you don’t have it. what is it ?
S. Megha Sree, IX-C
T. Tejaswi, IX-A Mahatma, the enlightened one
There was a girl who had a snake as her pet. That Won a war without sword or gun
was a python whom she loved too much. It was
almost 4 meters long and quite a healthy one. Born in Saurastra, a small coasted town
However one day the python stopped eating Which because of him achieved world Renown
anything. The girl was too much worried about it A gentle human with a rare philosophy
and was desperate to know why her snake Left his imprint in the annals of history
suddenly stopped eating. She went to the
veternary doctor and told him about the situation. He threw back the conquerors accross the seas
Listening to her, the doctor asked “Does your By showing them the power of his inner peace
snake sleep with you at night, wrap around you Ahimsa he followed and brought a bloodless
and strech itself to its length?” the girl happily
replied. “My python just can’t sleep without me”. revolution
I can’t see it in such discomfort what the doctor Without him our country, we couldn’t call our
next told her, left her in huge shock. The python nation
didn’t eat due to any kind of sickness but was His message to us is simple and clear
preparing to eat the next prey (which means her).
He explained that each time the snake used to If we ignore it, the price we pay is dear
roll around her body, it was actually checking her Discriminate not on creed or caste
size and what a great meal she was and how Stand united, be Indian first and last
prepared it had to be for the attack. It was not
just eating to make up enough space for the next Bapu, sometimes I dream if you were in our midst
meal that will be easy to digest. Finally it Wouldn’t you face up to the terrorists
swallowed her. Wouldn’t you set right our way ward leaders
Sometimes people who are close to you and Wouln’t you save my country
cuddling with you are not your real friends. Its
hard to identify what their real intentions are. But And restore it to its ultimate glory ???
some of them are no less than a snake who would Bapu, I dream, a dream will my dream come
poison your life and consume you all without you true?
even knowing. You need to seperate yourself from
such people and cut them out of your life before Will you be born again ?
they could spread their venom all in you. My country needs you.