Page 81 - Navyug2019-20
P. 81
P. Harini, VIII-A
A. Raga Sujana, VIII-A
The most influential personality who shaped and ♦ To smile, we use 17 muscles
character of the nationalist movement was ♦ You loose about 4kg of skin cells every year
Mahatma Gandhi. He was born in Porbander,
♦ It rains diamond in Uranus and Neptune
Gujarat in 1869. He studied law in England and
♦ Scientists estimated that the nose can
spent his early years as a lawyer in South Africa.
recognise a trillion different scents.
An autobiography was written and named “My
experiments with truth” by Mahatma Gandhi. ♦ A snail can sleep for three years
Before Gandhiji’s arrival on the national ♦ A rhinoceros horn is made of hair
movement. It had been dominated by the middle ♦ Caterpillar has 400 muscles, while human has
class, the intellectual and the educated elite. He only 629 muscles
transformed it into a national movement in which
♦ The only food item that does not rot is honey
millions of people participated including women.
♦ The heart of a shrimp is located in its head
He supported the Khilafat Movement as he
realized that it was a good time to shape Hindu- ♦ Your blood makes up about eight percent of
Muslim unity. Gandhiji gave the call for Non- your body weight.
cooperation with the government and decided it
to make a non-violent movement. Gandhiji and
Ali brothers toured the country giving stirring and AUTUMN
influencing speeches. When Gandhiji heard of the T. Devi Priya, VIII-A
incident of Chauri Chaura, he decided to call off The leaves are falling one by one
the movement. He was arrested and sentenced The sunny days will be soon gone
to six years of imprisonment. After that Gandhiji
Yellow, Orange, Brown and Green
chose to start Civil disobediance movement by
breaking the salt law. He marched off with 78 of The colours of autumn can be seen
his followers from Sabarmati Ashram on 12th The wind, the rain and the sun shines through
March 1930 towards Dandi, a small village on
It’s colder now for me and you
the coast of Gujarat. Gandiji was arrested on 5th
May. When Gandhiji was imprisoned, the first
round table conference was organized. Gandiji
was released in 1931. The Gandhi Irwin pact was
signed and then the movement was suspended. Ritika Ladda, VIII-B
In September 1931, the second round table On our Earth the number seven is very common
conference took place in London. Gandhiji because there are 7 rainbow colours, 7
returned to India to resume the civil disobediance continents, 7 seas, 7 wonders, 7 generations, 7
movement. In August 1942, the congress adopted atmospheric layers and we are lucky that in a
the Quit India Resolution to subdue the British to week there are only 7 days. In God’s creation the
leave the country. Gandhiji coined the “Do or Die” lucky number is 7 because all 7’s if we count they
slogen for this movement. Gandiji travelled
are 7. But why only 7 ? The mystery of 7! Can it
through the areas of Calcutta to bring peace and
be solved ?
calm the affected areas.