Page 125 - NAVAYUG (23-24)_Magazine
P. 125


            When you see litter in the streets And the air smells of pollution
            When you feel like all piling up Remember there is a solution.

            There’s some thing each of us can do To keep the rivers clean
            To keep fresh the air we breath. And keep the forests green
            Help clean a beach or recycle bottles and cans.
            Learn about the problems we face And help others understand.
            It doesn’t have to be a lot of we each just do our shares
            So take time out on Earth Day To show the earth you care But do still with the things Around you ?
                                                                                       Ch. Tejaswini, VII

            BEAUTY OF NATURE                                    SAVE WATER
            Mountains are highest                               Save water, save water
            Valleys are the lowest                              Water is our life
            Plains are flat like a mat                          Water is used for everything
            Don’t we all know that ?                            Without water there is nothing
            Island have water all around                        We can not live without it
            Thousands of these can be found                     So, we should always
            Deserts have sand and palm trees                    Take care of it
            Oceans have waters from many seas                   Never waste a drop of water
            Beautiful is the planet that I live in              All living things need water
            There is no other place that is akin!               Together we can save water
                                                                So, we should always save water
                                N. Rohith Reddy, VIII
                                                                                R. Sathwika, VIII

                             QUOTES OF                       STUDENT - TEACHER JOKES
                             MAHATMA GANDHI                  Teacher :   Now, tell me frankly, do you say
                                                                         prayers before eating ?
              •  A nations culture resides in the hearts and   Student :   No sir, I don’t have to, my mom is
                in the soul of its people                                a good cook.
              •  It is health that is real wealth and not pieces   Teacher :   Why do you always get so dirty?
                of gold and silver
              •  Non violence is the first article of my faith.   Student :   Well, I’m a lot closer to the
                it is also the last article of my creed.                 ground than you are
              •  In a gentle way, you can shake the world    Teacher :   Your composition on “my Dog”
              •  The  essence of  all  religions in  one.  Only          is exactly the same as your
                their approaches are different                           brother’s. Did you copy his ?
              •  Culture of the mind must be subservient to   Student :   No, Sir. It’s the same dog
                the heart
                                                             Teacher :   Can a Kangaroo jump higher than
              •  A man is but the product of his thoughts.               the Empire State building
                What he thinks, he becomes.
                                                             Student :   Of course, the Empire State
              •  Spiritual  relationship  is  far  more  precious        building can’t jump
                than physical relationship divorced from
                spiritual is body without soul.                                    N. Dhanush Reddy, IX
                                     M. Yamuna Sri, VII

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