Page 59 - NAVAYUG 2020-21
P. 59
TODAY’S CHILDREN ARE TOMORROW’S value yourself and feel worthy, regardless of any
CITIZENS imperfections or of what others may believe about
It is said that the child the father of man. It you.
means that the child of today grows in to an How to appear more confident to others
adult in future. The seeds of the future society
You can show self-confidence in many ways, in
are in the children of the present day. They are
going to be the citizens in future. your behavior, your body language, and in what
We always wish to have a bright future. We you say and how you say it.
hope for a well developed society in the days Protecting a positive image to others can help
to come. Today’s children are going to be adults you to improve your self-confidence. It’s not simply
in course of time. They are going to build the
a matter of “faking it”. If you project with
future society of our dreams. So their character
confidence, others are more likely to respond well,
should be an ideal one. They are the future
and this positive feedback will help you to believe
citizens and have the responsibility in creating
a healthy and strong nation. They have to use in yourself.
their energies for nation building. A healthy sense of self-confidence is all about
Children should be given the right type of having a balanced view of yourself taking pride
education. Parents should take care to see that in your abilities while recognizing your flaws.
they understand their duties properly. Children with a healthy sense of self confidence
Discipline should be taught to them. They
are able to feel good about themselves and know
should treat other children as their quals. Good
that they deserve respect from others.
qualities like honesty and integrity should be a
part of their character. While young, the idea
of patriotism has to be placed in their minds. - Ms. Nayeema
Parents and teachers should carefully watch ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
their development.
So it is always wise to keept the child on the
right track of development. The youth of today
Make new friends, but keep the old;
are its backbone. All their activities should be
helpful to the nation. They grow up as Those are silver, these are gold.
responsible citizens of the country. Then India New – made friendships, like new wine,
will have a bright future. Age will mellow and refine.
Friendship that has stood the rest
-Mrs. K. Jyothi Renuka Time and change – are surely best;
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.
SELF-CONFIDENCE For ‘mid old friends, tried and true,
Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills Once more we our youth renew.
and abilities. It means you accept and trust But old friends, alas ! may die.
yourself and have a sense of control in your life. New friends must their place supply.
You know your strengths and weakness well, and Cherish friendship in your Heart
have a positive view of yourself. You set realistic New is good but old is best;
expectations and goals, communicate Make new friends, but keep the old;
assertively, and can handle criticism. Those are silver, these are gold.
Self-Confidence is understanding that you trust
your own judgment and abilities, and that you -Mrs. B. Harsha