Page 115 - Navyug2019-20
P. 115

RIGHT PARENTING                          sould make them realise that they can’t always get
          Being a good parent is the hardest thing, but not      what they want.
          impossible. Right parenting takes a lot of skill and 5. o develop social Skills : They should learn to accept
          patience. It is a constant process of growth. It focuses  the differences, to respect others opinions and
          on providing the children proper physical need, moral  feeling and they should even disagree respectfully.
          support and spiritual guidance that help them to grow In a nut shell...
          into able and independent individuals. As responsible Children are the reflection of parents and also what
          parents, we should instil good values, set goals teach they see around. If we want them to change their
          mutual respect and influence our child’s behaviour in a personality, we should change ourselves first.
          positive manner.                                    So, we should do our best as kids are watching us
          As parents we all wish our children to be good. We
                                                                                                      - Mrs. K. LEELA
          have a huge responsibility of bringing them up in the
          best possible way. Good and right parenting happens
          when a parent creates a stable, nurturing home
          environment.                                                       ˇø£ÿkÕ] z&ç #·÷&ÉT
          As parents we should learn.                          ˇø£ÿkÕ] z&ç #·÷&ÉT...
          1. To give our time: We should spend some quality    ¬>\T|ü⁄ s¡T∫ ‘Ó\TdüTÔ+~
             time with our children. The best thing we can give  |ü&ç˝Ò#˚ ¬øs¡≥y˚T...
             them is our time.                                 ˙≈£î e÷s¡Z<ä]Ù ne⁄‘·T+~
          2. To show unconditional Love : Always we should be  z≥eTqï~ ˝Ò≈£î+fÒ ?
             caring and affectionare. We should give our children  ¬>\T|ü⁄≈£î $\Ty˚eTT+~ ?
                                                               dü÷s¡´‘˚»+ #·Ts¡ø£‘√H˚ ø±<ë !
             that confidence to confide in us and trust us.    neìøÏ #Ó’‘·q´+ ø£*π>~
          3. To keep promises : Always we should keep our      qedüèwæº dü+uÛÑ$+#˚~
             promises. We should never make a promise if we    >=|üŒ Ä$wüÿs¡D nqï~ !!
             can’t fulfill. If in case we fail to keep our promise,  ˇø£ÿ ‘·è{Ï˝À kÕ<Ûä´e÷ ??
             we should apologize.                              yÓ’|òü\´+ ‘·]ÿùdÔH˚ ø£<ë !!
          4. To set realistic goals : We should encourage them  eTs√ eTT+<ä>∑T&ÉT y˚ùd~
             to set a goal based on their strengths, skills and  ˇø£ÿkÕ] z&ç #·÷&ÉT...
             taste. Never force them to become something else.  u≤+<Ûäyê´\ $\Te ‘Ó\TdüTÔ+~
             Which they don’t like.                            z≥$T‘√ qTe⁄« ∫≈£îÿ≈£îqï ø£åD+
          5. To be a role model : We should be a correct critic  ˙≈£î u≤dü{>± ì*∫q<Óes√ ??
             and respect them as well. We should show them     ìqT ø±\sêdæq<Óes√...‘Ó\T|ü⁄‘·T+~
             what we want them to be.                          ¬>\Tb˛≥eTT\T nqï$..
          We should teach our children :                       @ ø£$ sêj·Tì eTVü‰ø±yê´\T
          1. To focus only on positivity : They should consciously  @ >∑Ts¡Te⁄ H˚s¡Œì >=|üŒ bÕsƒê\T
                                                               eTq nqTuÛÑekÕsê\T
             look for the positivities around at least three times  eTq≈£î ñÅ<äZ+<Ûë\T... eTq≈£î e÷s¡Z<äs¡Ùø±\T
             a day. This makes our children happier and its    ˇø£ÿkÕ] z&ç #·÷&ÉT
             benefical for their mental health.                ¬>\T|ü⁄ r|æ ‘Ó\TdüTÔ+~
          2. To serve others and contribute : The concepts like  \ø£å´+.. ìπs›•düTÔ+~.
             service and sharing help them to lead a meaninful  >∑eT´+ #˚sê\H˚ ø£dæì ˙˝À s¡>∑T\TÑ·T+~
             life.                                             ø£Dø£DeT+&˚ ì|ü\ ôd>∑ ‘êøÏ‘˚H˚ ø£<ë !!
          3. To be reponsible : We can allot them house hold   |üdæ&çøÏ eHÓï e#˚Ã~... <ëì $\Te ô|]π>~
             chore responsibilities. So that they learn the    ˇø£ÿkÕ] z&ç#·÷&ÉT
             qualities like co-operation, hardwork and         z≥y˚T ˙ ‘·bıŒ|ü⁄Œ\qT ‘Ó\T|ü⁄‘·T+~
             responsibility.                                   ¬>\T|ü⁄≈£î u≤≥ y˚k˛Ô+~
          4. To be resilient : It’s okay if they fail. They should  $»j·T+ rs¡+ #˚s¡TdüTÔ+~.
             learn to cope up with failures and rejections. We                `leT‹ ø£èwüí≈£îe÷] dü]ø=+&É
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